Saturday, October 18, 2008

Moringa Pictures

Here are a few pictures that Kathy Weibe took while she was here. She was especially interested in the Moringa Kingdom Business we hope to start up by the end of the year. If you want to know more about it, just send me an email and I'll send you a copy of the business plan.

This is Daniel (the manager of the business) and I at the land where the business will start up.This is me with some of the Moringa powder that we keep at the table so we can sprinkle it over our cooked food.


talk3talk4 said...

What's a Moringa it a spice?


Robert Lau


Debby & David, have just printed out the latest blog, thank you for the blog address, am passing it on to our Bible study group, as well as everyone on our missions committee. Am most interested in the Moringa project, so will be pulling up more information on it soon.
Trust you are looking forward to the Christmas holiday, when I hope the family will all be home with you.
Howard Stephenson

Unknown said...

When we were kids, back in the rural Philippines, most of the time when our parents cook chicken with soup, the easiest and the most available stuff to find (for free) to go with it, is the moringa leaves. Couple that with skin-peeled unripen papaya (fruit) - "guts" remove - and some coconut milk, ... wow! I can eat the whole pot of it! That's how a chicken can feed a family of 10!

Also while resting (and hungry), from all those afternoon kids' "activities", we just picked some of those leaves and eat it as it is - raw.

Now I live in a place where the plant can't grow because of the weather. I miss it.

Locally there, the tree is called kamarunggay or malunggay.

Unknown said...

When we were kids, back in the rural Philippines, most of the time when our parents cook chicken with soup, the easiest and the most available stuff to find (for free) to go with it, is the moringa leaves. Couple that with skin-peeled unripen papaya (fruit) - "guts" remove - and some coconut milk, ... wow! I can eat the whole pot of it! That's how a chicken can feed a family of 10!

Also while resting (and hungry), from all those afternoon kids' "activities", we just picked some of those leaves and eat it as it is - raw.

Now I live in a place where the plant can't grow because of the weather. I miss it.

Locally there, the tree is called kamarunggay or malunggay.

Unknown said...

When we were kids, back in the rural Philippines, most of the time when our parents cook chicken with soup, the easiest and the most available stuff to find (for free) to go with it, is the moringa leaves. Couple that with skin-peeled unripen papaya (fruit) - "guts" remove - and some coconut milk, ... wow! I can eat the whole pot of it! That's how a chicken can feed a family of 10!

Also while resting (and hungry), from all those afternoon kids' "activities", we just picked some of those leaves and eat it as it is - raw.

Now I live in a place where the plant can't grow because of the weather. I miss it.

Locally there, the tree is called kamarunggay or malunggay.

Unknown said...

I am interested in finding out more about planting Malungauy
Could you please forward the business plan.
Thank you
My emil is
Sorry i could not find yours.

essamalmahdy said...


essamalmahdy said...

please send any data about moringa to my mail

anna zeederberg said...

Dearest all, how wonderful to see more and more people getting involved and making the wonder powder of moringa available for all, I would love to have more details on how you have gone about this and yes please your business plan would help us support other to out grow moringa for all to bebefit look forward to hearing from you with love,light & Truth

anna zeederberg said...

Dearest all, how wonderful to see more and more people getting involved and making the wonder powder of moringa available for all, I would love to have more details on how you have gone about this and yes please your business plan would help us support other to out grow moringa for all to bebefit look forward to hearing from you with love,light & Truth

fcwebmasters25 said...

Hello, dear nice blogs. I have a overweight problem since childhood. I have tried many medicine on my body to reduce weight but guess nothing works , now the situation has arisen at the point that no medicine work on me. I heard about the moringa and its use but want to know more about it.


Unknown said...

Moringa is a good business to start with! Not only they are easy to grow in a tropical land, they have been proven to have numerous health benefits. And for that, some people even endeavors to get access to its fresh seeds. In fact, there are missionaries who travel around the world looking for its seeds as it is believed to be a cure for malnutrition.