Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Family Hike

Last Saturday our family went with five other home school families to climb a mountain. It was a 3,000 ascent all in one shot. We brought the 6-year-olds (there were four of them and Alandra is one of them), and thought someone would stay behind with them. However, everyone made it to the top, including the four 6-year-olds. (this is a picture of the four 6-year-olds, Alandra is in the green shirt.)

It was a fun time to get a way from the city and from work. Way up there the hills of Rwanda reminded me a lot of the hills and mountains of Switzerland. The air was fresh, the fields green, and there were wild flowers. One big difference, however, was that we had about 200 school children following us.

We were all huffing and puffing, sometimes scrambling up the mountain side on all fours like a goat. We had some nice sore muscles the next day.

We are thankful for the beauty that God created, and a hike like that reminds us of what an amazing God we serve. We were also reminded of the stark poverty in which our brothers and sisters live. May God continue to show us how to advance his kingdom in Rwanda.

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